Channel: Mountain Bike Rider
Category: Sports
Tags: spectralpedelecmountain bike ridercanyonspectral:onmbr magazinee-bikemountain bikeemtbmtbebikembr
Description: It’s pretty obvious that e-bikes have a speed advantage when it comes to pedalling up hills. But what about when it comes to descending? Do the tables turn, are regular bikes quicker because they are easier to accelerate and more agile in the turns? Or does the extra weight of an e-bike help it keepm momentum and roll over rough stuff better? We’re not sure, but we’re going to have a bit of fun trying to find out, in our e-bike versus bio bike challenge. Two riders, two bikes, one track, four timed runs and, with any luck, one clear winner. Click here to subscribe: More at: MBR: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Google +: